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The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body & Chakra System


  • Learn energy healing techniques to heal and balance your chakras, energetic channels, and auric field.

  • Prioritize your energetic health and wellbeing.

  • Create more balance and transformation in your life.

  • Remember your unique and special creation.

  • Transform every layer of your existence – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

  • Discover how to create more vital life force energy and flow in your life.

  • Create spiritual awareness to enhance your awakening.

  • Discover how to walk your spiritual path with precision and confidence.

  • Awaken to the energetic healer that you were made to be.


"Our chakra system serves as a roadmap for the kind of inner work and self-transformation that is necessary to overcome the adversities in our life."

Included In This Online Course:

  • 32 unique lessons taught by Kelsey with over 8.5 hours of video content and recorded lectures.

  • Guided meditations and healing visualizations to help balance your aura, chakras, and energy channels throughout the body.

  • Simple exercises and practices to determine where your own energy field may be out of balance.

  • 45-page downloadable workbook filled with stunning graphics and illustrations.

  • Supplemental resource and shopping guide containing 120+ links to articles, meditations, and products that are relevant to the course content.

  • Suggested journal prompts to enhance your healing journey.

  • Unlimited access to course content, as well as future additions.

amazonite amethyst arms balance blue lace calm chakra healing citrine cleanse crystal reik

“I Love all the tips. I am learning so much and so happy it’s at an affordable price. Thank you!”

Jo D.


When you've completed this course, you'll be able to accurately identify areas of your energy body and life that need healing. You’ll receive daily tools and techniques to help you to heal and balance these areas of your life. You'll be given exercises and resources to grow and evolve into the most complete, and whole version of yourself.​

This class will inspire you to heal every layer of your life naturally and effectively – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. â€‹

FIVE main learning categories:

1. The Aura

An introduction to your energetic field, how to detect auric imbalances, and techniques to strengthen and repair your aura.

2. The Chakra system

An overview of the seven main chakras. Learn how to identify your balanced, blocked, and overactive chakras and how that translates to imbalances in your life.

3. Individual Chakras

Become an expert on the chakra system. Learn how to heal individual chakras with yoga, crystals, essential oils, sound therapy, and other healing techniques!

4. Advanced Teachings

A discovery of the 114 chakra system, human energy channels, the torus field, and the five transpersonal chakras.

5. Energy Healing Techniques

Learn advanced tools and teachings to cleanse and heal your aura, ground your energy, and protect yourself from harmful energies.

Upon completion of each section, you'll be equipped with practical tools, healing techniques, and knowledge to live a more balanced and harmonious life.

Energy & You

digital download

This is the same workbook that learners receive when they enroll in the Energy & You online course. Now you can purchase the workbook without enrolling in the course.

Energy & You Workbook Mockup.png
  • What is energy healing?
    Energy healing is a practice that is done to promote healing of the etheric or energetic body that exists in all of us. Each culture has their own way to describe this energetic body such as the Soul, Spirit, vital essence or the auric field. This energetic body exists simultaneously with our physical body, with each having a direct effect on the other. Therefore, energy healing practices may help us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Aura repair and energetic cleansing may include one or more of the following treatments: Mending holes, cuts, and/or tears in the energy field. Repairing energetic leaks or drains. Adding layers of spiritual protection. Helping to ground your energy. Filling dark areas of the aura and/or illuminating it with healing frequencies. Balancing the individual’s chakra system. Healing energetic channels that may be blocked and/or damaged. Clearing the energy field of auric debris. Removing energetic cords or implants. Ridding the energy body of entities and attachments .
  • What are the benefits of spiritual healing?
    Some of the benefits of energy healing practices include but are not limited to: Relief of stress and anxiety by balancing the mind, body, and spirit Detecting and removing energy blocks which may be the cause of physical, mental, and emotional stresses Pain relief Balancing the body’s Chakras for a smooth flow of energy Complimenting all medical healing therapies and rehabilitation Strengthening one’s connection to the Divine Aiding in decision making and being at peace with situations May increase intuition Personal empowerment Living a more harmonious life Renewed and increased energy or life force Increased sense of well-being
  • Is energy healing safe?
    Energy healing is a generally safe method of treatment. Whatever is in your highest good is what will be done.
  • What type of private sessions do you offer?
    I currently offer four types of private sessions. Both can be offered in-person or virtually: Energy Healing Treatment 30 min | $65 In this half hour session, Kelsey will get straight to work to repair your auric field and cleanse your energetic field of unwanted, unhelpful energies. When you come to your session, Kelsey will briefly explain her findings and plan for treatment during your healing session. Then she will spend most of your session providing hands-on or virtual healing. Energy Healing + Guidance 60 min | $108 In this full hour session, you’ll receive guidance and insights towards your healing journey as well as an energy healing treatment. In the first part of this session you’ll receive one-on-one guidance, insights, and/or coaching to help you with your spiritual and healing journey. During the second part, you’ll receive an energy healing treatment. Cowry Shell Divination 60 min | $108 In each session, shells, coins, stones, and other totems are spread out on a divination cloth. The position of each symbol on the cloth will reveal hidden messages and meanings from your Ancestors and Spiritual Allies. Divination sheds light on the obstacles and adversities that prevent us from fully utilizing our unique, personal medicine and realizing our highest potential. The divination will show us ways we can improve, change, transmute or dissolve the issues that stand in our way so we can live more harmoniously. Energy Healing + Divination 90 min | $144 You will start this combined session with an African Cowry Shell Divination reading with Kelsey. This typically takes about an hour to complete. This ancient form of Divination is an empowering and uplifting process that can affirm a person's life purpose and spiritual gifts. During the second portion of your session, you’ll receive an energy healing treatment. Kelsey utilizes a variety of ancient, Shamanic, and modern techniques of healing that address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. Click here to book a session.
  • Do I need to do anything before my session?
    For your in-person sessions, please plan on arriving 5-10 minutes before your session. It is respectful to other clients and your healing practitioner that your sessions start and end on time. For your remote session, you'll want to decide whether you'll be connecting to me with your computer or mobile device. I like to use the the Zoom video conferencing app for remote sessions. Before your session, make sure you download the Zoom app from the Download Center. You can also join a test meeting to familiarize yourself with Zoom. I'll email you a meeting ID web-link at least 3 days before your session. Please make sure that the video/audio on your technology is working and that your device is fully charged before your session begins. Carefully review the Disclaimer, and the Liability Waiver and Release before your session. Be sure to bring any questions that you have with you to your session. And, if possible, please let me know prior to your session if there are any specific questions, concerns or issues that you'd like me to focus on or address during your session. Try to avoid eating a heavy meal right before an energy healing session. You may wish to bring a journal or notebook to write down important notes that may come from your session.
  • What should I wear to my session?
    In an energy healing session, you will remain fully clothed. Dress in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. You may be asked to remove your shoes.
  • What can I expect from an energy healing session?
    Prior to your session, I will communicate with my Spirit Team to best diagnose the methods of healing that will be needed during your session. Before your healing begins, I'll explain any information I recieved from Spirit and the modalities that I'll be utilizing throughout your session. You'll have time to ask questions before we begin the healing. If comfortable, you will be asked to lay on your back on a treatment table or padded floor mat for the healing portion of your session. Blankets, pillows and bolsters may also be provided to ensure you are comfortable. Occasionally you may be asked to lay on your side or stomach. You are not expected to do anything during a session except to clear your mind, relax, and enjoy. Depending on the type of session being performed, I may lay my hands/crystals/tools gently on areas of your body to channel the healing energy, or I may simply hover my hands several inches above your body. Once the healing is complete, you'll have time to ask additional questions, talk about your experience and recieve further guidance.
  • How does distance energy healing work?
    A healing session does not have to be done in person and can be performed remotely from anywhere in the world. If you live far away, I conduct the same healing modalities over Zoom video conferencing. You will receive the same benefits, but with the added benefit of being in your own home. Prior to your session, you'll want to download the free video conferencing system, Zoom, to either your computer or mobile device. You'll be given a link with a unique Meeting ID 3 days before your session so that you can connect with Kelsey. When it's time for your session, you'll begin by connecting to Kelsey via Zoom to discuss your needs and answer questions. Next, for your healing, you'll be asked to either sit comfortably in a chair with your eyes closed or to move to a couch or bed to lie down. After the healing is complete, you'll have time to further discuss your experience with Kelsey. The entire session takes approximately an hour, and you must be present the entire time via Zoom. Please clear your room of all distractions and interruptions so that you can get the most out of your healing session. Remote healing works because we're all connected energetically, and therefore are able to transfer energy over any distance. Spirit does not abide by the same laws of time and distance as humans do.
  • How are you able to work and communicate with Spirits?
    I am able to hear, see, sense, merge with, and work in partnership with benevolent and compassionate Spirits in other dimensions. My team of loving and helpful Spirits, as well as your own Spiritual Guides will assist me in addressing all levels of your being – body, mind, heart, and soul. These Spiritual Allies determine the best form of energetic healing that is most needed for you. In each session, you can trust that whatever is in your highest good is what will be done. I strive to ensure that the healing space surrounding each client is Divinely protected and that only compassionate, loving, and benevolent Spirits and energies are permitted. There are many loving and helpful Spirits that are protecting, guiding and assisting us in every area of our lives. I've found that they are incredible teachers and healers, but sometimes they need a human body to assist them in their work. This is where I'm able to help! I act as a channel or "middle-man" between you and Spirit, so that their guidance and healing can be fully received by you.
  • What methods of healing do you utilize?
    I utilize a variety of ancient, Shamanic, and modern techniques of healing that address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. Each session may include one or more of the following methods of treatment: Energetic Healing: aligning and harmonizing spiritual energy for the purpose of overall wellness Extraction: removing intrusive, stuck, unwanted or unhelpful energy Power Restoration: restoring intelligent, healing energy back into the body Soul Retrieval: returning the vital essence to a person that has been lost Aura Repair: techniques to balance and clear an individual’s chakra system Sound Healing: drums, rattles, songs, and singing bowls are used to alter vibration and raise energy Reiki Energy: Japanese holistic technique used for stress and relaxation Elemental Healing: utilizing healing properties of nature, crystals, and the Elements Aromatherapy: the use of essential oils to assist emotional and mental balance Spiritual cleansing: done with the help of smudge (sage or Palo Santo smoke) or blessed water Meditation, deep breathing techniques or guided visualizations
  • Can you treat my physical illness or medical condition?
    It is essential that you understand that no energy healing practice can be accepted as a replacement for any prescribed or necessary medical treatment but is best used as a complimentary treatment. Energy healing practitioners are not able to diagnose or medically treat any illness or condition. I believe the best form of healing encompasses all of the modern tools that are available to us with modern and alternative holistic approaches. Healing doesn't mean that you will be cured from your illness. We must assume that it has taken a lot of time, history and precedents to lead to an illness and it will mostly likely take just as long to reverse. However, when faith is strong, Spirit is present. When Spirit is present, anything can happen!
  • What can I expect after my energy healing session is complete?
    Energy healing is a generally safe method of treatment, but shifts in energy will occur and may create some physical, emotional or spiritual side effects which may include physical tingling, feeling of warmth, feeling lighter energetically, a sensation of floating, mild fatigue, nausea, muscle soreness, headache, thirst, changes in relationships, shifts of perception, etc. It is common for clients to see colors or visions, have spontaneous muscle jolts, or even have an emotional release such as crying or giggling. Experiences will differ with every client, every time, but it is important for the client to know that regardless of whether any of the above is experienced, the energy is still always working. Remember that side effects are temporary and that the healing is always done in Divine alignment for your best interest and highest good. Following an energy healing session, clients are encouraged to remain as relaxed as possible to allow the integration of the energy work to continue. Sleep patterns may temporarily change, leaving the client either sleepy or energized. Drinking lots of water and eating healthy foods can help balance energy levels. You may notice your body eliminating old toxins and energy (i.e. frequent urination, change in bowel movements, etc.). Journaling is also encouraged to keep track of experiences, memories or insights that may arise following a session. Please be sure to ask your practitioner if you have any questions regarding the treatment or post-treatment experiences.
  • How often should a person receive energy healing?
    The answer to this question is going to be different for each individual. If you're new to this kind of healing work, it may be best for you to remain in close and regular contact with your practitioner, scheduling sessions every 2-6 weeks apart for at least the first few months. This will help to ensure that we're tracking progress towards your healing journey together. As you become more comfortable with the healing process, you can begin to space your sessions further apart. I view energy work the same as I view annual check-ups with your health care providers. Personally, I work with an energy healer at least 2-3 times per year for spiritual maintenance and upkeep.
  • What are your financial policies?
    All private healing and divination service fees for in-person and remote sessions are as follows: 60-minute session: $108 USD 90-minute session: $144 USD Gift certificates are available upon request ​ Payment is due at time of booking via Credit/Debit Cards, PayPal or Apple Pay. If you must cancel your appointment, I request a minimum of 48 hours notice, in which case a refund (less the 4% service charge) will be issued within 5 business days. You may reschedule your appointment at any time. Last minute cancellations and no-shows are subject to pay the allocated fee for the time booked for the session. Cancellations and no-shows will be allotted 30 days to reschedule your appointment or else you will be charged for your session without refund. Clients that are more than 10 minutes late to their session will also be considered a no-show.
  • What is divination?
    Divination is a process where one receives Divine guidance from higher realms of consciousness. Through divination, a person can receive information and insights about their life that they normally wouldn't be able to access. Divination sheds light on the obstacles and adversities that prevent us from fully utilizing our unique, personal medicine and realizing our highest potential. The divination will show us ways we can improve, change, transmute or dissolve the issues that stand in our way so we can live more harmoniously. Divination is an uplifting and empowering process where a person can gain clarity around their life's purpose, their spiritual gifts, their relationships, their life's work and more!
  • Can divination make predictions about my future?
    It's important to know that a person's future is never fixed and is always changing. Although each of us come into the world with a specific life purpose and Divine plan, our individual free will and spcific choices has a great impact on the outcomes of our future. In other words, we each possess the ability to change and altar our life story through focused intention and direct action. Therefore, our future reality is always shifting and changing. Most succcessful diviners will not focus on their client's future, but will answer questions about the present moment while providing insights that can lead a person closer to their desired future outcome.
  • What kind of questions can divination answer?
    Although not required, it is helpful to begin each divination with a statement of intent. What do you want to find out during your divination session? What is the subject matter or topic that you want the divination to focus on? This is the context that drives what is revealed on the divination cloth. Each divination can include one or more of the following topics: Ancestral Wisdom: The Ancestors are our most potent connection to the Other World and they are constantly guiding us. Role in Community: Learn ways in which you can express your Truth and your story to better support your community. Magic & Blessings: Learn how to generate and manifest more abundance in specific areas of your life that may be lacking. Career: Divination will often give a person insights about fulfilling their purpose through their life's work. Transformation: Divination will ask us to be willing to change in order to realize our true, authentic selves. Relationships: Gain a better understanding of your role in romantic, family and personal relationships. Personal Power: In order to fulfill your mission, you must be anchored and grounded in your full grace. Taking Action: Certain pieces on the cloth will show you specific actions to take to help alleviate the obstacles in your life. Reconciliation: The stones will show us ways in which we can bring more peace, balance and harmony into our lives. Belonging: Find your authentic identity and sense of belonging in order to expand and grow. Life Purpose: Become more devoted and dedicated to the connection of your Soul's purpose in this lifetime. Personal Medicine: Learn how to utilize the spiritual gifts, talents and strengths that you were born with.
  • Can I record my divination?
    Yes! In-person clients are encouraged to bring an audio recording device or use a phone app (Voice Recorder, Voice Memos, etc.) to record their session. Virtual clients also have the option of recording their session via Zoom Video Conferencing. If you've had a cowry shell divination with me then you know that they take about an hour to complete. I prefer clients to stay fully present during their reading so that they can receive the full experience of having their shells read to them. Taking notes or worrying about remembering all of the information can be quite distracting. Therefore, I always encourage clients to record their session so that they can stay present and refer back to their reading at a later time. I still have recordings from my first divinations with Malidoma Some back in 2016. They are just as relevant now as they were back then! They have a way of continuing to provide guidance and wisdom many years later.
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