According to Dagara cosmology, this year is a mineral year. It is a year that will push us towards remembering our unique story, creating unity and togetherness, revealing truths, and finding our authentic voice.
The mineral element represents the deep wisdom and knowledge that we carry in our bones. It is said that the rocks and stones of the earth serve as the bones of the earth. Both the bones of the earth and the bones in our own bodies contain sacred wisdom and Divine memory that goes beyond a person's rational mind.
Our bones are the minerals in which we store thousands of years of information that has been passed down from generation to generation. Our bones store that which we need to remember or awaken to. When the intelligence stored in our bones (and the earth's) is neglected, we feel the need to search outside of the self to find answers. A mineral year teaches us to go inwards and access the knowledge that we already possess. It shows us how to use that wisdom for good and as a source of healing towards others.
Below I'm sharing four themes that I've been feeling into for the next year based off of the Dagara cosmology and my own personal guidance. This year seems to have overall themes for many that include those of revelation, truth, integrity, and unity.
Mineral is the elemental force that allows us to remember our origins and our purpose in this life. It is the element that is about reconnecting to the Divine blueprint that each of us has inscribed deep within our bones.
Mineral energy pushes us towards remembering the most sacred parts of ourselves and of our world.
Many indigenous cultures believe that no one comes into the world without a genius, a life purpose, and a soul mission. The Dagara further believe that their genius must be revealed to the person shortly after their birth, first through their given name, and later through initiation. This explains why, in Western culture, so many people wander without a purpose and often feel void of their genius. Most of us live in a society where the discovery of each individual soul's purpose and mission is given very little energy or attention to.
If you are one of those people who have been questioning your purpose and mission here, then the mineral frequency of 2024 will push you towards a greater remembering. This entire year will be an initiation for individuals to walk deeper into their unique Divine path and plan that God has mapped out for them. And many will be called to reawaken to their truer purpose for why they are here and how they are meant to show up in the world. For many this will include embracing your personal medicine and discovering new ways to deliver your unique gifts and talents with the world.
Therefore, as this deep remembrance is reawakened within you, you may find yourself getting clearer about your direction and purpose. Similarly, you may find the path laid out before you completely changing in new and unexpecting ways. As Malidoma would say, "you must become the story that helps others remember their own stories." And so as one person remembers their sacred mission, they inspire and encourage others to do the same.
Mineral is a symbol of our connection to others. In divination, the mineral stones often suggest our roles in community, reminding us that we are meant to be surrounded and supported by others. We are also designed to be in service of each other - to help, heal, assist, and support those who are closest to us.
If you are like me, you have noticed an increasing problem of division in our world. This 2024 theme of togetherness encourages us to rise above our differences and come together as a collective. Many of us are being called to be a connecting agent for others, to heal the divide, and bring humanity closer together. So, as a mineral year, I would expect to see more people uniting to form stronger relationships. Essentially, I am sensing a call towards healing the enormous divide in humanity and a coming together of communities.
The frequency of mineral encourages our presence when interacting with others. The calm, cool, and collected demeanor in which we show up for others will not only be needed but necessary to heal the broken strands in our communities and relationships. This year will ask us to talk less and listen more. We do not learn by talking, we learn through our ability to listen and witness the beauty in other people's stories.
Togetherness is about experiencing the blessing of belonging and the fullness of being nurtured by others.
Our world really needs the touch of mineral in every relationship and social interaction. You are being challenged to be the voice of hope and peace, especially during this year. Let your voice pour over the countless individuals that are awaiting to be restored by your loving compassion and determined awareness.
Truths Revealed
For many years now, our planet has witnessed an enormous rise in consciousness and a very significant global awakening. The revelation of truth has transformed many people and gave humanity many opportunities to create new realities. The energy of truth is extra prevalent during a mineral year because the mineral spirit loves the truth. So, I do not expect this revelatory theme to slow down at all during 2024. In fact, I believe it will increase!
Mineral people tend to be rather sophisticated lie detectors and practice excellent discernment. We can all learn a lot from these people, especially when it comes to sharpening our own discernment skills. These people tend to be the ones that carefully craft their own opinions and are not easily swayed by mainstream narratives or groupthink. Often mocked or ridiculed for their desire to question everything, these are the people that, at the very least, can broaden our minds and open us up to new realities, possibilities, and ways of thinking.
The mineral element encourages us to look within for the answers and for the truth. It teaches us that we already possess the knowledge that we need. We must learn to follow and trust our intuitions and instincts above all else. A strong energetic theme throughout this year will be redefining and rewriting our truth - both individually and collectively.
Voice of Integrity
Our voices can be used to create division, judgement, hatred, and harm. Or our voices can be used to create something radically different. Spend five minutes on social media and you will see the lack of integrity behind peoples' "voices". The constant fighting, bullying, and belittling of people who have a difference of opinion rips at my heart every time I open my phone. It shows the lack of care and compassion we have towards each other and a deep wound our society must heal.
As I tapped into the energy of this theme I had a strong knowing that we are each being called to mature and evolve in the ways in which we communicate to each other and the ways in which we express ourselves. Remember, there is an energy behind each person's words. Spirit asked me, "Are you using your words as a weapon or as a medicine?"
A culture weighted too heavily in mineral is frenetically involved with communication at every level. Language becomes an impressive instrument of power.
Your voice is meant to be a sacred vessel, a tool in which we express the deepest parts of our hearts and souls. And yet so many have forgotten how to use their voice with integrity, honesty, and compassion. The voice, when used properly, is a powerful conduit for healing. I have seen many times how compassionate, loving words have the power to wash over a person's soul and psyche like a beautiful blanket of healing energy.
Malidoma once told me that a person's voice is a vehicle for the expression of the wisdom from Spirit. When you speak from your heart the true intelligence from your Highest Self can come forward. For many people this year, they will be learning great lessons around their own voice and expression.
We each must learn to deliver our truth in a way that heals, not harms. This is no easy task. And yet, this is exactly what the new year is calling for: a loving expression of authenticity and compassionate truth in our communities.
I am sending you many blessings as you move into this mineral year.
With Love,